Linell's Favorite Time of Year
The holiday season is upon us and I am completely and utterly overjoyed! As the holidays approach, I look forward to spending time with my husband, our boys, and all of our loved ones. I love whipping up delicious meals and giving out plenty of hugs. It's my time to slow down, take it all in. I often think about all of our blessings during the year and am always overwhelmed by them all.
As you know I love to cook and bake for others. It brings me joy. The boys have already begun asking when will the sweet potato pies be made. They want to know is cousin Karen bringing the mac n cheese to Christmas dinner, because that is her specialty.
As the boys have gotten older we no longer are required to stay up all hours of the night to put bikes together, but I still love our family traditions. Christmas decorations are up the day or two before Thanksgiving (because we celebrate Thanksgiving at my brother in-laws so we can start early). Family time for Advent is always special. We bake Christmas cookies on Christmas eve for ourselves but also so we can deliver them to all of our neighbors. After all, spreading joy is a must! Most importantly, Mom and Dad take some time out for ourselves, and throw in a holiday party or two. woohoo!!
Another highlight each holiday is my parents come to visit for the week. I love having them stay with us. Although, I think the hubby and I are just the extras. They really come for the grandkids :-). However, I will take it. We all put on our cozy Christmas socks (it's a tradition), relax and enjoy one another.
We have so many more traditions we have made over the years. I always say, time waits for no-one. We have to embrace all of the moments and experiences that bring us joy. Those moments are so luxurious, so precious, so worth it all.
Do you have your own traditions? Are you planning to create new experiences this year?
I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling holiday season! Try something new, make a new recipe, see a show, visit loved ones and spread some joy!
Live Completely,